More than 18 products that strengthen male potency

By consuming healthy foods for potency, a man will please his woman in bed.

As men age, it becomes increasingly difficult to satisfy their wife or stay in the same shape. Every year, men's health loses strength, which often confuses the stronger sex and causes discord in the family. We will tell you how to keep your manhood in shape and show you a list of products that strengthen male potency.

What is power and why is it important?

Male potency is the most important component in the life of any member of the stronger sex. But what is it and why is it so important? Potency is a man's ability to have sexual intercourse and derive pleasure from it, which is why it is important for everyone.

The hormone testosterone plays a key role here. He is responsible for men's health, sexual desire and much more. It is this substance that influences man's resistance to stress, muscle building and, in combination with other components, is responsible for the health of the body as a whole.

Reasons for decreased potency:

  • bad habits;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • genetic factors;
  • problems with urination;
  • psychological pressures;
  • being overweight;
  • old age.

But how to increase power? You need to maintain proper nutrition and eliminate any of the above problems.

List of foods that quickly increase potency

It has long been proven that there is no need to use drugs that increase sexual desire. Men just need to follow some recommendations and eat the right foods. We collect for youlist of foods that increase male potencyand have a beneficial effect on your health.

  1. Fishcontains a large amount of beneficial vitamins and microelements that have a beneficial effect on men's health: magnesium, zinc, proteins, carbohydrates. Especially notable are plaice and mackerel. Doctors also advise giving preference to marine fish.
  2. Oysters and mussels- the best products to improve male health and potency. They contain a large amount of zinc, responsible for the production of male hormones. In fact, there are legends that the famous Casanova loved oysters and ate them every day for breakfast.
  3. MeatIt's considered a masculine product and it's hard to argue with that. It gives strength, gives a boost of energy and strengthens potency. However, not all types of meat will be equally good. It is better to give preference to beef, turkey, rabbit and horse meat. The preparation method is also important: it is best to steam the meat or bake it in the oven. Grilled steaks cause excess cholesterol, which leads to obesity. There is no talk of sexuality here.
  4. Nutsit also contains a lot of zinc and amino acids, which help improve potency in men. However, this is a rather heavy food, with which it is important not to overdo it. It is recommended to consume no more than a handful of nuts per day. The best nuts to increase potency: walnuts, almonds, peanuts, pine, pistachios, cashews. They can be consumed with honey.
  5. Honey- the most affordable and fun way to increase potency that can be found on supermarket shelves today. In addition to the fact that honey has a number of beneficial properties, it is also useful for increasing potency. Along with this product, you can also use compressed bee bread pollen.
  6. PomegranateIt is considered the fruit of love and in the East it is customary to eat it before the bride and groom's first wedding night. This is because it improves blood flow and speeds up blood flow to the penis. Furthermore, its use is recommended to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Drinking pomegranate juice daily will increase libido.
  7. dates, like any other dry fruit, helps men prolong sexual intercourse and increase sperm count. Doctors advise eating 4 pieces on an empty stomach every day. Within a month you will notice a significant improvement in your reproductive health.
  8. Turnip- a vegetable that ranks first among its relatives in the number of beneficial properties for humans. You can add turnip seeds to your food or eat vegetables cooked with meat.
  9. Lemonand other citrus fruits contain lutein, which helps increase testosterone in the blood. In addition, they strengthen the immune system very well, so they will be useful for everyone.
  10. Onion and garlic, interestingly, they also increase men's sexual desire. However, you should not consume them shortly before the planned night out, otherwise a good impression could be spoiled by bad breath.
  11. Camel stomach (rennet)- a rather exotic and very expensive product, but it is worth it. In the East, it is considered an analogue of drugs to increase potency, as it has a fast-acting effect. It's difficult to find a product like this, but it lasts a long time and the results will be immediate.
  12. Quail eggssometimes placed together with oysters and other seafood. They help increase libido and improve the basic functions of the genitals. You can eat eggs in any form, even raw.
  13. Bananas.Everyone knows the benefits of bananas for men's health. No wonder it is most often used to represent the penis. Improves sperm quality and helps prolong sexual intercourse.
  14. AvocadoAnother healthy fruit, but one that does not receive due attention. This product contains a series of amino acids that affect the quality of the penis and provide attraction to men.
  15. BerriesIt can help you increase stamina in bed, improve libido and blood circulation in the reproductive organ. It is best to eat blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and currants.
  16. Red-hairedimproves blood circulation and gives male strength. Can be added to grated tea.
  17. Celery- a natural aphrodisiac that should be consumed shortly before sexual intercourse. It significantly increases testosterone levels and gives confidence to all men.
  18. Red grapesIt contains high levels of magnesium, which helps with blood circulation and prevents male infertility.

Do not forget that proper nutrition is the key to health and beauty for many years.